Stock Average Calculator

First Purchase


Second Purchase


Knowing how to calculate stock averages is integral for investors and traders when making thoughtful decisions in the stock market. Stock averages serve as indicators that offer a significant understanding of the dynamics of a single stock or a selection of stocks. Still, a manual calculation of these can be laborious and fickle. Taking advantage of a Stock Average Calculator is a great idea to simplify things and guarantee accuracy.

A stock average calculator is a good tool for quickly and simply calculating stock averages. The software application computes stock price information to give users up-to-date stock average results.

Using a stock average calculator provides various benefits to investors and traders. For starters, it streamlines the calculation process, saving time and energy that can be spent on other essential tasks like conducting market research, recognising trends, and tracking portfolios. Second, these calculators provide investors with precise and reliable data to help them make sound investment decisions. Furthermore, a Stock Average Calculator may assist investors and traders in identifying market patterns and trends. Traders may acquire helpful insights into the performance of various equities over time by reviewing historical data. This information may be used to develop a complete investing plan that considers market trends and potential hazards.

How to Calculate Stock Averages

Before delving into the particulars of calculating stock averages, it's worth knowing the various average types accessible, of which here are three of the most regularly used:

Simple Moving Average (SMA)

One of the most used stock averages is the simple moving average, calculated by adding stock closing prices across a specific duration and dividing the total by the total number of days of the period.

The formula for SMA is:

SMA A1 + A2 + ... + An = n


An = the price of an asset at period n

 n = the number of total periods

Exponential Moving Average (EMA)

The exponential moving average is similar to the simple moving average but places greater weight on more recent data points. This means that the EMA is more responsive to changes in the stock price than the SMA.


You should pay attention to how the EMA calculates its current value since it considers all prior price data - the most recent information has the most influence, and the oldest has the least.

EMA = (K x (C - P)) + P


C = Current Price

P = Previous periods EMA (A SMA is used for the first periods' calculations)

K = Exponential smoothing constant


C = Current Price

P = Previous periods EMA (A SMA is used for the first period's calculations)

K = Exponential smoothing constant

The smoothing constant K gives the most recent price an appropriate weight. It employs the moving average's set number of periods.

Weighted Moving Average (WMA)

The weighted moving average acts similarly to SMA, yet it emphasises specific data points more than others. For example, you can give the recent data points that are more important or indicative of the stock's overall pattern.


To increase the final WMA value, the most recent data is highly weighted.

The period picked for the indicator decides what weighting factor is applied to compute the WMA. A 5-period WMA, for instance, would be computed as follows:

WMA = (P1 * 5) + (P2 * 4) + (P3 * 3) + (P4 * 2) + (P5 * 1) / (5 + 4+ 3 + 2 + 1)


P1 = current price

P2 = price one bar ago, etc.

Moving averages can be a valuable tool in trading and investing strategies. They help smooth out price fluctuations and can provide insights into trends and potential buy or sell signals. To use them, plot the average price of an asset over a specified period (e.g. 50-day moving average) on a chart and watch for crossovers with the asset's current price. A crossover above the moving average could indicate a bullish trend, while a crossover below could suggest a bearish trendRememberer, moving averages are just one of many tools to use in your trading and investing arsenal, so be sure to research and never rely solely on one indicator.

Benefits of Using a Stock Average Calculator

A stock average calculator is your go-to tool! It helps you calculate the average cost per share for every stock in your portfolio simply and efficiently. Plus, it can also assist you in deciding how many shares to buy when averaging down or up in a particular stock. Say goodbye to complicated calculations and hello to smarter investing with a stock average calculator!

Here are some of the advantages of using a stock average calculator:

Saves Time: Manually calculating stock averages can be time-consuming, especially if you have an extensive portfolio. An average stock calculator can do the job in seconds, saving you valuable time that you can spend on other essential aspects of your trading strategy.

Improves Accuracy: When calculating stock averages manually, there is always a risk of making errors. A stock average calculator eliminates this risk and ensures that your calculations are always accurate. This can help you make better decisions based on reliable data.

Easy to Use: Stock average calculators are user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for those who are not experts in stock trading. They require minimal input from the user and provide accurate results with just a few clicks.

Stock Market Average Calculator Pros and Cons


Easy to Use: A stock average calculator is an easy-to-use tool that lets you quickly calculate the average cost per share for each stock in your portfolio. It saves you time and effort to manually calculate this figure, especially if you have an extensive portfolio.

Helps Make Informed Decisions: Knowing the average cost per share of each stock in your portfolio, you can make more informed decisions about buying, selling, or holding stocks. This information can also help you decide how many shares to buy or sell when you want to average down or up in a particular stock.

Tracks Portfolio Performance: A stock average calculator tracks your portfolio's performance, which is crucial for evaluating your investment strategy's effectiveness. This tool can compare your portfolio's performance against the overall stock market, sector benchmarks, or other metrics.


Requires Accurate Data Entry: The information provided by a stock average calculator depends on the accuracy of the data you input. The calculated average cost per share may be accurate if you enter the correct data.

Can Be Misleading: The average cost per share calculated by a stock average calculator may be misleading in some cases.

Limited Scope: A stock average calculator can only provide information about each stock's average cost per share in your portfolio. It cannot provide insights into other vital metrics such as dividend yield, price-to-earnings ratio, or market capitalisation.

How to Choose the Right Stock Average Calculator

A stock average calculator can be valuable for improving your stock trading techniques. But, with so many alternatives available, determining which calculator best suits your requirements and tastes might take some time.


A stock average calculator is an essential tool for investors and traders seeking to streamline the calculation process and make informed investment decisions. By providing reliable and precise data, identifying market trends and patterns, and helping to develop a comprehensive investing plan, these calculators offer immense value to their users. So, whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, a stock average calculator is a must-have tool in your trading toolkit. Start using a stock average calculator today and take the first step towards more informed investment decisions.